TRIP REPORT: Treasure Peak

Climbing Treasure Peak’s Northwest Ridge was such a great half-day objective. The hiking was pleasant, the views spectacular, and the summit climb was engaging and fun.  We snuck this in during thunderstorm season, so we got a pre-dawn start.  But that wouldn’t be necessary if the weather is good. 


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This is a little quick report on a backcountry scramble up Hurd Peak.

Trail Head:

The trail starts out of South Lake in Bishop CA.


If you have ever been at south lake before Hurd Peak is likely the first mountain your eyes will be drawn to.  It poses a striking presence at the back end of South Lake and dominates a lot of the skyline from this vantage point.  The hike begins out of south lake proper.  You will eventually take a trail spur towards treasure lake.  Hurd peak is in view for much of this approach and when you decide to turn off cross country towards the peak is really individual preference.

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Or, as it’s referred to amongst my community of co-workers ‘the ice’.  We classify our lives according to what we do ‘on ice’ versus or ‘off-ice’ time.  Our ‘ice friends’ vs our regular friends.  This isn’t out of feeling special but rather the difficulty of trying to explain to any rational person what we do ‘down there’ and why we keep going back.

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TRIP REPORT: Checkered Demon Couloir


Last week my partner and I took advantage of a cold snap to climb Checkered Demon Couloir.  Checkered demon peak is on the Bishop skyline and the couloir is hidden on the right side.  It had been on our list for a few years.  Chasing snow & ice in the Sierra Nevada is an ephemeral hobby.

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It’s noon and I’m standing at 12,999 feet…which means my head is above 13,000 ft. I’ve just rock climbed to the top of a huge granite spire called Temple Crag in the Palisade Basin of the Sierra Nevada.   I’m feeling really good.   My partner and I had awakened at 3:30 am to start today’s adventure. We blasted the 6+ mile approach in 2 hours, 15 minutes.

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